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Tickets Gorzów Wielkopolski ⇄ Wrocław

gm. M. Gorzów Wielkopolski ⇄ gm. M. Wrocław

Route details

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Tickets prices: 24.99 PLN - 235.96 PLN

Travel times: 03:25 h - 05:01 h

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Comparison of tickets prices for buses Gorzów Wielkopolski ⇄ Wrocław

Ticket price

Journey time

Cheap tickets from Hoper1


phone.: 703 402 801 (koszt 2,58 zł z VAT/min., usługę świadczy Progress Plus s.c.)
Check out the timetable for Gorzów Wielkopolski → Wrocław Hoper1(Connection realized under the route ustka → wrocław)
Check out the timetable for Wrocław → Gorzów Wielkopolski Hoper1(Connection realized under the route wrocław → ustka)
from 24.99 PLN to 235.96 PLN03:25h

Comparison of tickets prices for trains Gorzów Wielkopolski ⇄ Wrocław

Ticket price

Journey time

Cheap tickets from POLREGIO


phone.: 22 474 00 44 - Koszt według taryfy operatora, usługę świadczy Netia S.A.
Check out the timetable for Gorzów Wielkopolski → Wrocław POLREGIO(Connection realized under the route zielona góra → wrocław)
Check out the timetable for Wrocław → Gorzów Wielkopolski POLREGIO(Connection realized under the route wrocław → zielona góra)
from 31.10 PLN to 47.60 PLN05:01 h

Compare tickets prices from city Gorzów Wielkopolski

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Lubin

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Münster

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Chojnice

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Kostrzyn nad Odrą

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Dortmund

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Poznań

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Warszawa

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Świebodzin

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Legnica

Tickets for Buses and Trains Gorzów Wielkopolski → Zgorzelec

Compare tickets prices from city Wrocław

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Łódź

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Poznań

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Kraków

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Katowice

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Częstochowa

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Opole

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Konin

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Warszawa

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Kostrzyn nad Odrą

Tickets for Buses and Trains Wrocław → Legnica

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